Positive parenting helps babies thrive by providing love, encouragement, and guidance while setting boundaries

What are Newborn Stages of Development?

What are Newborn Stages of Development?

In this blog:

The various developmental stages of a newborn by month

How Montessori toys can aid the growth and development of newborns


Developmental milestones encompass physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth. But navigating these stages of development can be challenging. That's where positive parenting comes in. Positive parenting helps babies thrive by providing love, encouragement, and guidance while setting boundaries. It creates a nurturing environment for babies' development.

In the parenting journey, going through the exciting stages of development and understanding your baby's growth and milestones is like navigating a roadmap. In this blog, we'll delve into focusing on the stages of development and the role of positive parenting in nurturing your little one's growth.

Various Stages of Development a Baby Goes Month by Month

From those adorable smiles to those tentative first steps, each month brings discoveries and developments in your baby's growth journey. 

Let's take a journey through the stages of development in a baby's first year:

Month 1: The Wonder of Newborns

During the first month, your baby adjusts to life outside the womb. They spend most of their time sleeping, eating, and getting to know their new surroundings. You'll notice reflexes like grasping and sucking, as well as the beginning of social cues like turning toward familiar voices.

During this phase of a newborn, what can be a positive parenting approach? In simple terms, positive parenting involves a nurturing environment for the baby's development, including ample sleep, regular feeding, and gentle interaction. Attentive responses build trust, fostering healthy attachment and development.

Month 2: Engaging with the World

By the second month, your baby's senses are becoming more attuned to the world around them. They may start to make eye contact, smile in response to your interactions, and even coo and babble in their adorable way. Tummy time becomes essential to help strengthen their neck muscles.

By this point, the influence of positive parenting involves actively engaging with your baby through eye contact, smiles, and gentle conversation. Responding warmly to their smiles and baby talks nurtures their growing sense of connection and communication with the world around them.

Month 3: Developing Coordination

As your baby enters the third month, you'll see significant advancements in their motor skills. They may start to reach for objects, grab onto toys, and even bring their hands together in front of them. Some babies may also begin to roll over during tummy time.

Positive parenting during the third month involves providing ample opportunities for your baby to explore and practice their emerging motor skills in a safe and supportive environment. Responding with encouragement and praise builds their confidence as they navigate these new physical milestones.

Month 4: Exploring the Environment

At four months old, your little explorer is becoming more curious about the world around them. They'll enjoy exploring toys with their hands and mouths, and you might notice them swatting at objects dangling above them. Many babies also start to show signs of teething around this time.

During this growth phase, positive parenting involves providing safe and age-appropriate toys for them to manipulate and explore with their hands and mouths. Additionally, offering gentle comfort and teething aids supports them through the discomfort of emerging teeth.

Month 5: Sitting Up and Taking Notice

By five months, your baby may be able to sit up with support and even start to sit independently for short periods. Their hand-eye coordination continues to improve, and they may enjoy playing with toys that make sounds or have interesting textures.

Providing support and encouragement as your baby explores newfound abilities like sitting up with support and playing with toys, is a good way to foster positive parenting. Celebrating their achievements and providing gentle guidance fosters a sense of confidence and independence as they continue to grow and explore their world.

Month 6: Becoming Mobile 

Around six months old, some babies may start to master the art of rolling over both ways and even begin to scoot or crawl. They'll be more vocal, babbling and experimenting with different sounds. Introducing safe and stimulating toys can encourage their newfound mobility and exploration.

During the sixth month, offering engaging toys and ample floor time encourages exploration and strengthens your little ones physical and cognitive skills.

Month 7-9: Crawling and Cruising

Between seven and nine months, your baby may become proficient crawlers, exploring every nook and cranny of your home. They may also start pulling themselves up to stand, using furniture or your hands for support. This stage is about building strength and coordination for their next significant milestone: walking.

During this age, encouraging their efforts to crawl and pull themselves up strengthens their muscles and coordination, preparing them for the walking milestone. 

Month 10-12: Taking Those First Steps

As your baby approaches their first birthday, you may witness the thrilling moment of them taking their first steps. They'll be more confident in their movements, cruising along furniture and even attempting a few unsteady steps independently. Their babbling will resemble words, and they'll understand simple commands and gestures.

Providing supportive and time-to-time gentle guidance for your baby's newfound mobility to navigate with their unsteady steps. Talking to your baby and using simple commands helps them learn how to communicate and makes your bond stronger.

However, it is also important to remember that every baby develops at their own pace, so cherish these precious moments and enjoy watching your little one blossom into their unique selves.

Montessori Toys for Enhancing Development

Montessori toys are like little helpers in your baby's development journey, designed to promote learning through play. 

Montessori toys for babies are based on Maria Montessori's educational philosophy, which believed in allowing children to learn at their own pace through hands-on exploration. These toys encourage independent play and foster essential skills like problem-solving, creativity, and concentration.

Benefits of Montessori Toys for Babies

So, why choose Montessori toys for your little one? Well, these toys offer a multitude of benefits for infant development. Unlike traditional toys that may have flashy lights and sounds, Montessori toys for babies focus on simple designs and natural materials, allowing your child to engage their senses and develop fine motor skills. 

Additionally, these toys often have open-ended play possibilities, meaning there's no right or wrong way to play with them. This encourages creativity and imagination, setting the stages of development for future learning and exploration.

Incorporating Montessori Toys into Daily Playtime

Now that we know the benefits of Montessori toys for babies, how can we incorporate them into our daily routine? It's simple – make them a part of your baby's playtime! Set aside dedicated play areas with various Montessori toys for your little one to explore. 

Rotate the toys regularly to keep things fresh and exciting, and don't be afraid to join in on the fun! Engaging with your baby during playtime can strengthen your bond while supporting their development every step of the way.

Check out our newborn developmental toys here.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a milestone for a newborn?

A milestone for a newborn refers to a significant developmental achievement or skill that typically occurs within the first few months of life. Examples include lifting their head during tummy time, making eye contact, grasping onto objects, and responding to sounds and voices. These milestones mark essential stages in a baby's growth and development.

2. What are normal newborn movements?

Normal newborn movements include spontaneous reflexes such as rooting (turning towards touch on the cheek), sucking, and grasping. Babies also exhibit random arm and leg movements, known as “startle reflex” or Moro reflex. Over time, they gradually gain control over their movements, progressing from jerky motions to more purposeful actions, like reaching for objects.

3. How long is a newborn stage?

Experts often use the term "newborn" to describe babies under 28 days old or up to 2 or 3 months of age. 


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