Answering 10 Most Asked Questions about Newborn Feeding
Congratulations, dear mama, on stepping into this wonderful journey of motherhood. You are doing an amazing job, and everything you are experiencing or have doubts about is completely normal.
Whether it’s your first child or not, every newborn is unique and may have different feeding patterns. We understand if you feel confused or even scared.
Becoming a new mom is such an incredible experience, but it can also be overwhelming, especially when it comes to feeding your little one. And with so much advice out there, it can get even more challenging and feel like you are getting it all wrong.
But don’t worry! This newborn feeding guide is here to answer your most asked questions and help you feel confident about nourishing your baby.
Newborn feeding guide query 1 - How often should I feed my newborn?
One of the first things you might wonder is how often do newborn feed. Typically, your newborn might need feeding every 2 to 3 hours, which adds up to about 8-12 feedings in 24 hours. But here is the thing — it may not necessarily be the same for all babies. Every baby is different, and they can have a different feeding schedule, with some babies feeding more often than others.
Your newborn demanding more frequently is completely okay! It’s called cluster feeding newborn, where they feed multiple times within a short span. Ideally, such babies may feed for a short span every 15 to 20 minutes, and this can happen during the day and night in an equal manner. This is perfectly normal and helps boost your milk supply if you are breastfeeding, so do not worry about it at all.
Newborn feeding guide query 2 - What if my newborn pukes after feeding?
If you have a newborn in your arms, then Mama, be prepared for all those puking as well. It’s completely normal if your newborn pukes after feeding, and it usually isn’t a cause for concern. Your baby has a tiny tummy, and sometimes, they spit up a little milk because of an immature digestive system. Do not panic if there is a little vomit now and then.
But, if it happens too frequently or seems like a lot of puking for a baby, then do not waste any time wondering or panicking. Immediately check with your paediatrician or take them to the nearest hospital to be on the safe side.
My personal tip: Be prepared for everything possible once you have a tiny human tagging along, but learn not to panic. These things will increase as your child grows. Having a child isn’t a cakewalk, but those smiles and warm hugs are worth it all, right?
Newborn feeding guide query 3 - How do I know if my baby is getting enough milk?
Okay, this is the most common worry among new moms. When I had my first daughter, I used to worry about it a lot, and all that stress started affecting me in different ways. If your baby is gaining weight steadily, having at least 6-8 wet diapers a day, and appearing content after feedings, then it is a sure-shot sign that they are feeding well.
Of course, there is no harm in checking in with their doctor if your little one seems fussy or isn’t gaining weight for a long time. Feel free always to have your queries, or concerns answered because it is never too much when it comes to your baby. But yes, also learn to trust your instincts, and if your gut says everything is fine, it’s okay if all feeds aren’t equal.
Newborn feeding guide query 4 - Should I wake my baby for feedings?
It can sometimes get tricky with newborns because both you and your baby are adjusting to an understanding of the different patterns that are going to be there. In the first few weeks, you need to wake your baby and feed them if necessary, especially if they are sleeping for longer than 3-4 hours. They might feel fussy or cry, but you need to calm them down and make them have their feed because it is essential for their early development, weight gain, and staying hydrated.
Newborns need frequent feeding and for that sometimes you might have to give them that extra push. Once they have regained their birth weight, it’s okay to let them sleep longer and follow a more relaxed newborn feeding schedule. But always consult with their paediatrician if you feel that your child is sleeping more than feeding because fatigue or lack of appetite could be a sign of other underlying causes.
Newborn feeding guide query 5 - What is the best feeding position?
Now, this is something you need to trust yourself about because there is no one-size-fits-all position when it comes to newborn feeding. However, here are some common positions which you can try:
- Cradle hold: When taking a feed, your baby’s head will rest in the crook of your arm, and this is perhaps the most comfortable position most mums and babies prefer.
- Football hold: This one is great for moms recovering from a C-section. In this position, you need to tuck your baby’s body under your arm like a football, with your baby’s head cradled in your hand and their body along your forearm.
- Side-lying position: In this position, all you need to do is make your baby lie down beside you and let them feed. It is perfect for nighttime feedings and doesn’t require any effort at all. However, you need to make sure that they do not feel uncomfortable while doing so.
Trust your instincts here and try different positions to see what works best for you and your baby. In fact, it’s completely natural if you discover a completely new position because what matters is both of your comfort.
Newborn feeding guide query 6 - How long should each feeding session last?
Each feeding session can last anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes, but there is no hard and fast rule about this because each baby and their feeding is unique. Plus, your baby might have a tendency for cluster feeding newborn habit, so their sessions can be shorter or longer depending on that.
However, if your baby is feeding for too short or too long, it might be helpful to check if they are latching correctly or not and getting enough milk. It is okay if you take longer to learn this correctly or take time adjusting to the feeding process. Take your time and get it right because unless you are comfortable, both you and your baby won’t get it right.
Newborn feeding guide query 7 - Is formula feeding okay?
Absolutely! Whether you choose to breastfeed, formula-feed, or do a combination, what matters most is that your baby is fed and happy. Formula can be a lifesaver for mums who are unable to breastfeed or need flexibility in their schedule.
Now, here is something you must remember: Do not feel guilty about not being able to breastfeed or choosing not to do it. We understand it’s your choice, and you have every right to do so because, in the end, we know your baby’s good health is what matters.
Newborn feeding guide query 8 - What should I do if my baby refuses to feed?
How often do newborns feed? What if my baby refuses to feed? It can happen, and contrary to what others say, it can happen quite frequently. Many times, babies can refuse to feed, and it can be for several reasons, like being too sleepy, distracted, or feeling unwell. Whenever something like this happens, try feeding them in a quiet environment or pacifying them first and then feeding them. Generally, it should work, and they can start feeding, but if the refusal continues, consult your paediatrician.
Newborn feeding guide query 9 - How can I manage nighttime feedings?
My first few nights with my firstborn were very confusing because, on top of being badly fatigued and cranky, my daughter wasn’t feeding as much as she should have. However, I eventually learned that keeping all the essentials nearby can be helpful. Your baby will need to be fed during the night, and the first few weeks will be challenging, so prepping bottles in advance or having a comfortable nursing station will help reduce all that stress.
One more thing that I would like to add is that you should give yourself the space and time to take it slow. Don’t overwork yourself or blame yourself for doing it all wrong. Give it some time, and everything will fall into place.
Newborn feeding guide query 10 - When can I introduce a feeding schedule?
Finally, in the first few months, it’s best to follow your baby’s hunger cues rather than sticking to a strict newborn feeding schedule. As they grow, you will notice a more predictable pattern emerging, and then you can create your own routine with your baby. There is not really a rule as to how often newborns feed, but you will eventually understand what’s right and what isn’t.
Common Myths about Newborn Feeding Busted
Now that we have covered the most asked questions let’s bust some common myths that often confuse new moms.
Myth 1: You should feed your baby on a strict schedule from day one.
Truth: Newborns thrive on-demand feeding because their tiny tummies need frequent refills, and they know best when hungry.
Myth 2: Breastfeeding is always easy and natural.
Truth: While breastfeeding is natural, it doesn’t always come naturally! It can take time, patience, and support to get it right.
Myth 3: Formula-fed babies sleep better.
Truth: Sleep patterns vary from baby to baby, whether breastfed or formula-fed.
Myth 4: A baby crying after feeding means they are still hungry.
Truth: Babies cry for many reasons, including tiredness, discomfort, or overstimulation. It doesn’t always mean they need more milk.
Myth 5: Newborns should sleep through the night early on.
Truth: Most newborns wake up multiple times a night for feeding. It’s perfectly normal and part of their growth process.
Feeding your newborn is a journey, and every baby is different. Therefore, take it one day at a time, trust your instincts, and remember—you’re doing great!
Hopefully, this newborn feeding guide has answered your questions and put your mind at ease. And if you have more questions, don’t hesitate to share it in the comments.