10 things working mothers do to stay organised and stress-free
The organised everyday mum! You would think that’s a dream, but the truth is it is achievable. And all you need is patience, a little planning, and that leap of faith towards realising it.
I am a working mom, and I know how tough it can be to juggle everything. But over the years, I have learned a few tricks to stay organized and stress-free. It’s not about setting big goals or comparing yourself with other working mums. It’s about giving yourself enough time and space to create your motherhood journey. And here is something you should believe in – every mum is special, and how you write your story is entirely yours to decide.
Here are some of my top tips that I find helpful:
1. Plan ahead. Yes, mama! You can, and you need to. To be an organised everyday mum, take some time out each week to plan out your meals, activities, and appointments in advance. This will not only help you stay on top of things but also avoid feeling overwhelmed. In fact, it’s a great way to create space for those unforeseen emergencies.
2. Get organised. There was a time when I thought getting organised required a separate timeline or me doing something extra. But now, years of wisdom (and lessons) later, I have understood the trick. Being organised isn’t a separate task; it’s infusing clarity and purpose into the things you already do.
Here is a simple hack: invest in some good storage solutions to help you keep your home and office tidy. This will make it easier to find things later and also reduce clutter.
3. Set priorities. Get this right: not everything is urgent or requires your involvement. Decide what’s most important and focus on those tasks first. You can iron out everything else later. Be an organised everyday mum who, despite having a long list of to-dos, knows how to manage the complex demands of daily life effectively.
4. Delegate. And as a continuation of the point above, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your partner, family, or friends. You don’t have to do everything yourself. Outsource those unimportant things that don’t require your active time to others who can manage.
Must do: And then you must trust them to do it. As mums, it’s hard sometimes to trust others, and it’s okay. The secret to being an organised everyday mum is knowing that they might not be as good as you but still trusting them anyway.
5. Take breaks. I will be honest. This is something I haven’t perfected yet, and most of the time, when I am taking breaks, I feel guilty about it. But it is also true that if we mums don’t take breaks, we will go insane. So, schedule regular breaks throughout the day to relax and recharge. The secret to being an organised everyday mum is creating routines that work for your unique family.
Even a few minutes makes a big difference, so sneak in a little “me-time” whenever possible and do not feel guilty about it.
6. Say no. It’s okay to say no to things you don’t have time for. You do many things just out of obligation or because that other mum is doing. Stop. Don’t overburden yourself with too many things, and say no sometimes. It will help you avoid overcommitting yourself and improve your productivity and the quality of the work that matters. Say no more often to being that superwoman organised everyday mum.
7. Take care of yourself. In between all this, there is something you must do exclusively for yourself – giving yourself that necessary space for self-care. Make sure you are eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. It will help you remain motivated, focused, and focused, and, most importantly, it will help you recover from those challenging moments.
8. Find your tribe. Okay, so here’s the thing about being an organised everyday mum. Finding your tribe with whom you can be comfortable and ask for any sort of advice is a much-needed comfort group you deserve and must have. This space is where you can be your true self and can ask anything stupid. Connect with other working moms who understand what you are going through.
9. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you are feeling overwhelmed, ask for help. If you are feeling confused, ask for help. If you have doubts, ask for help. No matter what the situation is, don’t be afraid to ask for help from anyone you trust or even a therapist in case it’s needed.
Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness, and sometimes, things become less scary when you ask for help. I had wasted time delaying asking for help, thinking it made me less of a mother, but the truth is, it only made me stronger. In fact, it is one of my secrets to becoming a successful, organised, everyday mum.
10. Remember that you are not alone. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that you are not alone. Millions of women are juggling work and motherhood, and you are not the only one who’s feeling stressed. But the thing is, you need to come out of this loop and trust your instincts.
I read somewhere that being a mother is not just a concept or a biological process; it’s instead an attitude we embrace for ourselves. So, fellow mama, let’s get ready to rock and roll motherhood (and work) with the best attitude possible.
And I hope these tips help you stay organised, stress-free, and an organised everyday mum. Remember, you are doing a great job!
Some thoughts to leave you with
I believe that all mothers are working mothers. Whether you work inside or outside the home, you are constantly working full-time and managing multiple roles and responsibilities at any given time. So, if you are feeling stressed, know that you are not alone because we are all in this together. And becoming an organised everyday mum might seem challenging, but it’s all about taking small, consistent steps.
Handling stress or making it simpler by staying organised isn’t just for the sake of making more time out of those 24 hours or finding peace. Without it, it will manifest in various ways, from sleep disturbances and weakened immunity to increased anxiety and even depression. And we definitely do not want that to happen. In essence, a stress-free working mum is better equipped to nurture herself, her family, and her career.
An organised everyday mum can juggle work, family, and personal time without feeling overwhelmed.
Stress isn’t good, and it makes us more irritable and impatient. Plus, I know how badly it affects the professional space because I used to find it hard to focus.
Now that I have become somewhat efficient at managing my stress by being more organised and intentional, I find it easier to juggle motherhood and work. Being an organised everyday mum isn’t about perfection; it’s about finding systems that simplify your life.
Tell me about your secret formula to manage stress or find that perfect balance to create the best of both worlds. Do share your thoughts in the comments below about that one secret formula you swear by.