10 Philosophies of Montessori for Mindful Parenting - Ninomondo

10 Philosophies of Montessori for Mindful Parenting

10 Philosophies of Montessori for Mindful Parenting

We are a lucky generation of parents who have a lot of information at a quick click. But a lot of this information can be overwhelming, especially for those just starting their journey in mindfulness in parenting. Here's a quick overview of the Montessori philosophy to guide you in making informed choices on your mindfulness in parenting journey.

  1. Independent & Uninterrupted work

    All efforts should aim at making the child self-sufficient. Montessori parenting is about aiding the child with the right tools to work alone without any help. While the child is working, let him/her concentrate. Observe the child. Avoid being overly helpful or chatty by cheering or clapping every movement. The child could lose focus or interest in the work, and then every action could only be to yield praise or a clap, rather than genuine learning.
  2. Freedom Within Limits

    Give your child choices that are safe and within defined limits. It's like creating a frame on the canvas and then letting the child create his/her own art within those limits while following the principles of Montessori philosophy.
  3. Child Size

    Dr. Maria Montessori invented the need for child-size furniture and tools so that the child can be more independent and easily breeze through doing Montessori activities. Surround your child with a child-size table and chairs, mirror, small jugs, dustpan and brush, mops, cups, and bowl, etc. This setup allows them to develop motor control and understand body movement without having their freedom restricted or dependent on anyone, which is a fundamental aspect of Montessori parenting.
  4. Grace and Courtesy

    Mindful parenting is an important skill at par with language and math in Montessori. With Montessori activities and materials, a child can develop and refine social skills while building self-esteem and independence according to Maria Montessori's theory. We also need to role model the right behavior than just preaching it. This is also observed in the way a child handles/treats any material like a toy or spoon in the context of Montessori philosophy.
  5. Prepared Environment

    Make the child’s environment (space) so inviting, clutter-free, and rich with developmental work that the child can satiate its inner needs from the space. Less is more. A prepared environment is a free space for a child to walk around, the ability to see and choose the items for play/ work as well as a space to do those activities while practicing mindful parenting.
  6. Movement

    Is very essential for every child’s development. Montessori activities enable the child to have lots of movement and development. For example, a simple window washing activity requires a child to spray with their little fingers of one hand, then wipe down with a squeegee with the other hand, and then move again to take the cloth to dry the pane. Every movement not only develops physical strength but also supports brain development, which aligns with the principles of Montessori parenting.
  7. Repetition and Order

    Children repeat the same activity again and again until their inner need is satisfied. Once it does, the child moves on. You notice this when you read the same story over and over again or play with the same toy for weeks and then later do not even look at it. In addition, children are sensitive toward order. They thrive on the order in routines, the same people around them, sleep routines, the same blanket, the same toy at the same spot, etc., which is a fundamental concept in Montessori philosophy.
  8. Practical Life

    You may have noticed your child only wants to play with the dustpan and brush because they love practical life activities, a hallmark of Montessori parenting. They prefer washing, drying, and folding clothes with you than playing with a pretend washing machine or kitchen set. Practical life helps in developing motor skills, independence, and life skills that contribute to their independence, aligning with Montessori activities.
  9. Absorbent Mind

    Dr. Maria Montessori discovered the ‘Absorbent mind' in every child from 0-3 yrs. They unconsciously take in the environment as it is. They are like Polaroid cameras. The good and the bad are captured and become a big part of their lives. So as parents, it's our duty to provide a very safe and rich developmental space for the best growth in Montessori parenting.
  10. Follow the child

    Montessori philosophy is based on following the child’s needs. Let him/her be the guide while you give the child the right tools and environment to flourish in their journey of Montessori parenting.

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